Tag: Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles: who will use them, and will they share?

The advent of road transport automation is suggested to be one of four key technological transitions that could amount to a major transformation in mobility practices. Specifically, fully Automated Vehicles (AVs) might replace the current private car owner user model…

VENTURER Alliance – One Year On: CAVs in the West of England

On a pleasant but subdued day in June, South Gloucestershire Council hosted the CAV Cohort event, organised by KTN for Innovate UK/CCAV. The venue – unofficially known as the Concorde Museum but more formally, Aerospace Bristol – was absolutely fitting…

CAV R&D Testing in the West of England

Almost four years ago, the term Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) and Driverless Cars would return one to two Google Alerts per week (each containing a couple of links). I know this as that is when I set them up…

VENTURER launches final film

  The VENTURER film tells the story of the innovative £5-million driverless car research and development project, which concluded in June 2018, and how it explored the future of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) in the UK. VENTURER was delivered…

VENTURER Final Report

In September 2018, the VENTURER project released its final report, detailing key learnings from the £5-million government co-funded driverless car project, which was based in the West of England and concluded in June 2018. The three-year research and development project…